
School's Out For... Errr... We're Going Back to School!

A Note from the Publisher

By Whitney Wright- Midcoast, ME Publisher September 6, 2019

   Happy back to school everyone!

   I hope that everyone had a great back to school week (or last week for those who went early.) I really wasn't ready. It snuck up on me. So much so that I forgot to register the car in August, didn't realize my husband's birthday was just a few days away on 9/1 and never took my daughter to get new shoes, socks, lunch box etc. for the first day and ended up running out with her on Labor Day Monday at 5:30 p.m. to find some odds and ends.  I ordered the back to school outfits too late and realized they were coming from overseas, so Amazon saved the day when I ordered hers on Saturday before school started and I am still hoping little dude's will still arrive before Monday, but I'm sure it won't and instead he will probably be wearing something not as cute as what I had picked out or will be another instance of Prime saving the day. It felt like it took so long for summer to arrive that I think September should chill out and come back in a few weeks. In the meantime, give summer a speeding ticket. 

   I have seen so many people sending their kindergarteners off and being sappy like me... and moms of older kids are over there like, "PEACE OUT. Let me go get my pumpkin spice latte now."  I hope it gets easier each school year and I am not a sobbing mess... although you will never see me excited about getting a PSL. I admit, I cried at the bus stop and she was the one comforting me. She had no fear and was so excited about kindergarten. It was so strange to put my baby girl on the bus for the first time. Then I also cried a little over the fact that for the next 13+ years her life will be ruled by school. My little adventuring buddy won't be with me every single day like she has been... even if it was just for half days last year. I am sure school wouldn't appreciate me just pulling her out on a whim because I want to go somewhere on an adventure! Her little brother was a bit sad watching her go, he didn't seem to fully get it until the bus pulled away. Of course when she got home he proceeded to tell her that he DID NOT miss her and then made her sit down and hold him while he rehashed his every move of the day. He misses her a lot, but I think he is also enjoying the one on one attention- not sharing the spotlight has been fun for him. But shhh, we won't tell her that! He starts school 3 mornings a week next week and he is so excited. I will probably be a little lost while I adjust.

   Now, I'll be completely honest. Everyone I know is excited about Fall. Pumpkin Spice yuckiness (sorry again people, I don't like pumpkin drinks), cozy sweaters, comfort food... and here I am looking for new flip flops (since I blew out my brand new flip flops) and hoping that I can get at least 6 more beach days in... like real beach days in a bathing suit, soaking up the sun, trying to read a book. And if half of those beach days happen while both my kids are in school I am okay with that :)  We had a great beach day a week or so ago and I grabbed the boogie board and caught some awesome waves on the incoming tide. I didn't care that I was one of two or three adults that were boogie boarding or body surfing- it felt so darn good. Even the few times I got caught in the barrel of a wave I came out looking like a drowned animal, but a smiling one! The saltwater is like a cure-all to me, even if part of it's "curing" properties is to freeze your body so you don't know whether or not something hurts haha. Years ago I had taken a few surf lessons (at Old Orchard Beach and then on the North Shore of Oahu) and each year I keep saying I will go try it again- I keep holding out for Hawai'i, but I may just have to stick with OOB, unless someone has an extra plane ticket lying around ;) My daughter really surprised me on that last beach day when I taught her how to really boogie board. She loved it and didn't mind getting her face wet or getting knocked around (and when she really got the hang of it she loved the thrill of riding the wave) so I am hoping next summer's bucket list will include us taking lessons together. Only like 10 or 11 months to think about that dream... waaaaaah. Please weather Gods, take it easy on us this winter! And give me a beach friendly fall!

   Anyway, I probably won't get my beach weather this weekend, but there are some great events happening. One I am most excited about is Rick Charette at Maine's Wildlife Park in Gray. He was the first concert I ever went to at the Boothbay Region Elementary School when I was probably four years old. I STILL have the VHS tape from that concert. And yes, I still have a way to play it too haha. It's his last concert there- and last year he retired from performing for the most part. My kids have been loving his songs, "MUD" and "Alligator in the Elevator" so they will love it. Even though it's supposed to rain he will perform under cover, but fingers crossed Dorian spares us from too much rain. 

   Speaking of Dorian, I would like to express first how grateful I am that friends we have had in the path of Dorian were safe, I hope that my other friends who are next in the path are also spared and I really hope that everyone tries to do what they can to help the poor Bahamas. I cannot imagine how it feels to lose everything and to face the devastation. One of my favorite places on Earth is Virgin Gorda and the British Virgin Islands. After seeing the devastation thus far of the Bahamas I decided I needed to check in on my favorite little island and see how they are doing two years after Irma and Maria. They are still trying to rebuild. Some of my favorite places haven't even broken ground yet. That's how slow and hard it is to get work done and supplies on those little islands. Many may never come back- and those that were able to rebuild sound and look better than ever. The Bahamas will definitely need as much help as they can get to start rebuilding. My heartbreaks for them. 

  And one last thing... September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. We need to find a cure. We think of our little friend Madeline every day, who fought her brave fight at 4 years old and gained her wings as a result of childhood cancer almost two years ago. We wear red for her (her favorite color), but during the month of September we need to wear gold. We need to put an end to childhood cancer. All parents should have the chance to post back to school photos or hang up copious amounts of artwork or watch their sleeping child. Madeline's story touched our world in a profound and direct way, we knew her since she was just a little babe crawling around, but these stories are impacting so many people around us and while they may not be as direct as Madeline's, they aren't just 6 degrees of separation or a story passed along either. They are people not far removed and that's scary to me. Just last month a friend's co-worker lost their teenage son to leukemia. Another friend's husband had battled childhood cancer and just lost his friend that he had battled it with when the cancer returned. I could go on with other instances that I have heard of, but I won't. Instead I will let these numbers from the American Cancer Society do the talking: In the US the estimated deaths for 2019 are: 1,190
Estimated NEW* cases of childhood and adolescent cancer for 2019 are: 10,590 * Estimated new cancer cases and cancer deaths are for the 0-14 age range only.
Childhood and adolescent cancer incidence rates from 2011-2015 were: 18.3*
Childhood and adolescent cancer death rates 2012-2016 were: 2.3* *Per 100,000, age adjusted to the 2000 US standard population, according to the International Classification of Childhood Diseases, Third Edition. Age range is 0-19 years unless otherwise specified.

   We are on the right track- the rate did go down, however, no parent will ever be able to live without worry until we can get that number to 0. I urge everyone to donate when they can- whether it's time, blood, energy, money, awareness- whatever it is- so that we can find a cure. Cancer sucks there is just no nice way to say it. But watching a child you know or someone else loves have cancer is the absolute worst thing and no one should have to endure it. So please, GO GOLD for Childhood Cancer Awareness. 

   I think that's enough out of me for one day! I hope everyone gets some rest after a big week, you find some sunshine (or I guess rain if that's your jam.)

Remember to be kind. 

Share laughter. 

Give a smile. 

And find your family fun!
