
Hello, Friday!

A Note from the Publisher

By Whitney Wright- Midcoast, ME Publisher October 18, 2019

Good morning everyone, happy Friday!

I hope everyone survived the storm that blew through- we got really lucky and didn't lose power or really any evidence of the storm at our house. Aside from maybe some recycling blowing across the yard. The leaves had been so beautiful it is sad to see so many of them blew away. 

We are in full on Halloween mode at our house- the house is all decorated (aside from the mantle, I really need to figure out how to build something so that we have more space than a narrow ledge- suggestions??) I got out our white Christmas tree the other day and my husband asked if I was jumping the gun a little bit on Christmas... clearly he needed a Halloween tree introduced to his life! I LOVE Halloween and Christmas- they are my two favorite holidays to celebrate and decorate for! 

We have been soaking in all the Fall things- not just decorating. Last weekend we went to the corn maze on Sunday at Beth's Farm Market- climbing the giant hay tower is always a hit (especially the sliding down part.) We have been so busy that my five year old has been begging to stay home for a day, she says to read books in bed all day, but I know she just wants to watch TV, draw and play Legos (which is what she did yesterday with no school) so we took it easy on Saturday and Monday. We also went to see the Addams Family, which was such a great movie! 

There are so many great events and things to do this Fall- it almost seems like there are more than there were during the summer! I guess it's because it's our last hurrah before the s-word flies? Or maybe it's just all the pumpkin spice going to people's heads?! Ha! (No offense pumpkin spice drinkers, but you know that's not my jam.) 

Anyway, be sure to sign up for the giveaway for 4 free tickets to the Pumpkin Hayride at Wolfe's Neck Center, check out Camp Sunshine's amazing display of pumpkins at the Pumpkinfest at L.L. Bean- and please consider donating to sponsor a pumpkin!

Also, be sure to check out our Halloween guide- it's chock full of fall events, apple picking, pumpkin hayrides, haunted houses and more! I keep updating as I find new events, but sometimes I do miss some! I am trying to put all the hyper-local ones on the event calendar, but the guide covers events and places all throughout the state (and some beyond- because I will travel for a great haunted house or super awesome event!)

Last Friday Macaroni Kid Portland's publisher, Kim, and I, hosted a Mom's Mingle Speed-Friending event. It was so much fun! The ladies all had so much fun chatting- one mom even drove all the way from Waterville to Westbrook! The Drouin Dance Center was gracious enough to let us use their space in the old Dana Warp mill... I don't know about you, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE seeing old mills given new life and I adore the spaces in them. It amazes me to walk through the halls and think about what they used to be. I love the mix of industrial design in a mixed use space too. So I was beyond excited to have the event in such a cool space. Anyway, the event, which was sponsored by Hood Milk and our sister site, Stroller Traffic, was a lot of noisy fun! I hope we can do another again soon... and maybe even one for dads to meet as well!?

Wishing everyone a great weekend- go find your family fun!
