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Hello... winter?

A Note from the Publisher

By Whitney Wright- Midcoast, ME Publisher November 15, 2019

BRRRRRR... I didn't think that winter would fully arrive the second week of November. My goodness, it has been cold out! Waiting for the bus in the morning has been killer... my 5 year old (almost 6- next week... where does time go?!) was making fun of me shivering. She asked me how I was going to survive at the North Pole if I could barely stand it waiting for the bus. I told her that I was invited, because I was naughty. (Which is partially true... if she knew how much of her Halloween candy I actually ate she would put me on the naughty list too- shhhhh....) 

I don't know about the rest of you, but winter just is not my season. I would hibernate if I could (or become a snow bird.) Technically, in this day and age, I could stay home all winter and never leave- between Prime and grocery delivery I really wouldn't need to leave- aside from the pesky taxi service I run from preschool to tumble to wherever else is on the docket. Honestly though, even if I wanted to hibernate all winter and not go anywhere and watch Ducktales, Darkwing Duck, Chip 'n' Dale, Goof Troop and Talespin... thanks Disney+ (I am loving these fun decisions about which show to watch way more than grown up decisions) I couldn't stay home all winter. I can barely stay home for a day or two (although a week alone in the house to catch up, deep clean and organize would be amazing!) I almost bought tickets to FL last week because it was $15 each way... yes, you read that right- $30 ROUNDTRIP!!! I thought that would be an amazing birthday surprise for my girl, but it would be a whilrwind trip, I wanted to go to Disney and even 1 day there would cost more than our flights and then next year it would be hard to top. So instead I spent $30 on a Barbie toy on eBay that I had a kid that she was dying to have...  now on to plan her last minute party. I keep thinking if I procrastinate then it will delay her turning six. I seriously feel like I was just pregnant and fighting with my sewing machine as I made 10,000 burp cloths. I guess I know what I am doing this weekend... planning a party (and my photo mini sessions.) 

Anyway, enough of my rambling about the cold! Hopefully everyone has a great weekend- and enters to win the 2020 season pass to the Boothbay Railway Village- and don't forget to buy your tickets to the North Pole Express as well!

Cheers to the weekend and hopefully a warmer week next week!
